
October 2024
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Kathryn Gets A BT Review Shout-out

trailer_001_screenshotSince its premiere at the Fantastic Fest film festival there have been a number of reviews of the horror western Bone Tomahawk published.  They’ve generally been favourable.

Kathryn’s role, however, has largely gone unmentioned other than in lists of additional cast members.  This is hardly surprising given that Lorna, wife of Kurt Russell’s Sheriff Hunt, only makes a some very brief appearances.

The website JoBlo has gone a little further than most in describing some of those big name, small part players:

The town the early scenes are set-in comes to life through the efforts of a truly amazing supporting cast of character actors, including people like James Tolkan as a lazy piano player, Fred Melamed as a barkeep (his saloon is memorably named ‘The Learned Goat’), Kathryn Morris, Sean Young, and even Michael Pare. Most on them only have a scene or two, but like the best character actors they make a huge impression and give the townsfolk real life.

One more thing.  Chris Bumbray’s review (read it in full here) suggests that writer/director S. Craig Zahler’s Bone Tomahawk is not going to be released in the cinemas at the end of this week, just on streaming services.  Right from the start Chris writes from the premise that the film should be seen on the big screen and not via VOD.  From all the information I can find Bone Tomahawk will be in US theaters from Friday.

Distraction Of A Discarded Woman

promo_007Review of The Sweeter Side Of Life

It has been a while, too long in fact, since we saw Kathryn in a significant new project.  Since the Cougars, Inc. VOD release on the 1st of April 2011 (May for the DVD)  there has been… well, nothing really.  Of several scenes filmed for Moneyball, one of the biggest movies of 2011, only a singleton made it to the public and that was just as a deleted scene on the DVD.  One short film (Sunday’s Mother) that has only been shown at a few festivals.  That’s it.  As regulars know there are a couple of other projects in the offing: another short (The Coin) and a small role in a feature film (2 Br/1 Ba).  That makes this, the lead role in a TV movie, a big deal for us fans of Kathryn.  Can it possibly live up to the weight of expectation?

It was so good to have Kathryn back on our screens.  We’ve missed her very much.  A comedy role like this is new for her too.  I have wanted to see her do comedy for a long time and have no doubt she can do it with aplomb.
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Resurrecting The Champ Screening With Kathryn

During my time on the Look Again Cold Case fan board I met a lot of fellow fans of Kathryn.  A lot of them were kind enough to visit me here at KM UK and help get it off to a good start.  Many of the ‘old band’ still drop by on a regular basis.  Hello there, it would be great to hear from you again.

I made some good friends there too.  One I count myself very lucky to have is the person everyone knows, including me, only as LillyKat.

LillyKat was Senior Staff Writer at the now sadly defunct TV review blog Pass The Remote (PTR).  For five years LillyKat, along with the site owner TVFan, wrote wonderful reviews of their favourite shows.  Shows like Damages, Fringe, Ice Road Truckers, Psych, Saving Grace, and of course Cold Case.

For much of this year here on KM UK we’ve been looking back at events that Kathryn attended in 2007.  We’ve had new photos from fund raisers, premières, promotional events, award shows and festivals.  After an absence of a few months today we go back to 2007 with a little help from LillyKat.

Mid-August 2007, just over a week before the official première of the movie Resurrecting The Champ, a special screening was held in Los Angeles.  Amongst the attendees was a certain Kathryn Morris and the film’s director Rod Lurie.  And LillyKat.

There was a post-screening Q&A session in which the intrepid reporter asked a few questions and she even managed a quick one-on-one with Kathryn afterwards.  The event formed the basis of two articles on PTR: the first a write-up of the whole evening, the second a review of the film.

LillyKat has very kindly allowed KM UK to reproduce in full the two pieces and host her accompanying photos in our Gallery.  Frankly, she owes me a few favours so there wasn’t much arm twisting involved :-)

You can start reading LillyKat’s articles HERE.

Cougars, Inc. Review

Cougars_Inc_1080p_347DVD reviews for Cougars, Inc. are starting to become quite wide spread online ahead of the US release next week (10th of May) so it is about time for me to post mine.  I’ve tried to avoid falling into the trap some reviews do of being little more than a description of the film with a few comments tacked on the end.  I have done a plot summary but that is followed by something more akin to a review.  Not having access to preview copies of the US release this is based on the European DVD & Blu-ray that became available a couple of weeks ago under the name of Loverboys.  The US version will vary slightly by having some additional extras (a cast commentary that includes Kathryn and a deleted scene that doesn’t) but the movie itself will be the same.

I shouldn’t need to add a spoiler warning but if you don’t want to know anything about this movie before watching it yourself you should not read any further.

You can find the KM UK review of Cougars, Inc. HERE.

If you want to write your own review please contact me and I will add to a special page on the site.

As many of you have already noticed there is a large collection of HD screenaps from the film in the Gallery, they’ve actually been there for over a month now.

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Your Cougars, Inc. Reviews?

DVD boxWith the official release of Cougars, Inc. finally upon us you may be keen to read some reviews.  But why not write one yourself?

Here at KM UK we’ve been tracking Cougars, Inc. (or Mother’s Little Helpers as it was known until a few months ago), keeping you informed as best as possible, since we first heard about it well over a year ago.  This coming Friday (1st April 2011) the movie is released via on-demand services in North America.  Three weeks later (21st April) the DVD and Blu-ray editions are due out in Germany.  A further 3 weeks later and the disc versions are launched in the US and Canada.  Hopefully at some point after those dates you will get a chance to see Kathryn in action 😉

Perhaps the wordsmiths amongst you would like to put pen to paper, or at least fingers to keyboard, and write some thoughts and share them with us here.  I will create a page of reader reviews on the site.

Please submit any reviews to me via email or the contact form.