
October 2024
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Hayseed Wins At Another Hole In The Head

poster_007.jpgThe new movie Hayseed was shown at the mainly horror-based Another Hole In The Head film festival back in December 2022.

A few weeks ago the festival announced their award winners for the year. Some how the organisers manager to narrow things down and award over 50 entrants with their honours. My understanding is that there were more than 200 films, both short and feature length, showcased at the event.

Hayseed was the winning nominee in the Best Mystery/Noir Feature category.

For more information on the new independent crime thriller/mystery/comedy in which Kathryn has a small role, see the previous KM UK post about it HERE.

We look forward to hearing more about this film in the coming months.

For more details on the AHITH festival see their website HERE.

KM UK Awards 2018

The KM UK Awards like to stay up to date with current trends, reflecting what is going on around us all.  Some would call it it band-wagon jumping for comic effect, opportunist, or just lazy writing.  And those people could be best described as… correct.  It’s just a bit of fun after all.

There have been several high profile political movements this past year, denoted increasingly more regularly these days with a hash tag.  #MeToo for instance was used in reference to women speaking out against abuse and discrimination they’ve suffered for far too long.

Here at KM UK we will certainly not be trivialising such important issues.  Instead we will be going old school and referencing a television phenomenon from the recent-ish past, that is still very much in the news today:  You’re Fired!  (Ironically said by a boss to a candidate going through a prolonged televised job interview and therefore was not in a position to be fired.)  It feels like everyday at the moment someone in a high profile role is getting fired.  Either they’ve done something wrong and getting rid of them is seen as serving a purpose.  Or, they’ve done the right thing and that reflects badly on someone higher up.  It also means we can used the same icon as last year :-)

Welcome to the 2018 KM UK Awards.

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Kathryn @ CDG Awards – Feb 2005 Update

cdga_03We are deep in the midsts of awards season.

The BAFTAs were last weekend (18th Feb).  The Oscars are next weekend (4th March).  The British Music Awards were a few days ago.  The Grammy awards ceremony happened at the end of January.  The MTV Europe Music Awards are…. OK, they’re ages away (November!).  Don’t worry, the KM UK annual awards will be in a few weeks.

To jump on this bandwagon, and to make up a little for the lack of posts recently, it is time to go back in time to awards ceremonies gone by.  The Costume Designers Guild Awards in 2005 to be precise.

If it was 2013/2014 this post would just be Frozen reference after Frozen reference regarding Kathryn and her fairy princess dress.  But we’re all so sick of Frozen references.  Let it go already!  Sorry :-)  The release of a sequel late next year will no doubt kick it all off again though.  That should kill off the current unicorn craze, unless Frozen 2 includes a unicorn!

The lady sharing the sofa with Kathryn and the boys in the image above is costume designer Jill Taylor.    Presumably Kathryn, Danny and John presented Jill’s award to her, which is why they are pictured together afterwards.  She won for her work on the film The Life And Death Of Peter Sellers.  The biopic about the late actor/comedian starred a host famous names including Geoffrey Rush (The King’s Speech), Charlize Theron (Mad Max: Fury Road), and Emily Watson (Punch-Drunk Love).

The KM UK Gallery has now been updated with 12 new images (and a small update to #10).

cdga_11 cdga_13 cdga_18

KM UK Awards 2017


*cough*  Hello.

Had enough of all those fake awards?  The Oscars?  So fake.  The BAFTAs?  Made up by the media who are too scared to tell you the truth.

To counter all that we bring you the Alternative Awards, or Alt-Awards.  And these are in no way influenced by ‘foreign actors’.  Only good ol’ home grown actors here.  Any results that you see leaked are being done so by bad hombres.  Sad.

Great news is we have a new sponsor for the event.  It’s V0dka.  ‘Don’t be bad. Drink like Vlad-imir.’  The classic American drink enjoyed by millions of hard working folk just like you.  Never has the potato tasted so good.  Apart from as ‘Freedom Fries’.

Despite appearances we know that this year will have the biggest audience ever.  Billions will witness this event.  8 to 10 billion in fact.

Due to the unprecedented success of last year’s new be-quiffed mascot we’ve brought it back.  If you ignore all the millions of votes against it (mostly illegal no doubt) it was the most popular statue since the last really popular one.

Welcome to the 2017 KM UK Awards.

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The Coin Comes Up Short(s)

hang_onto_your_shorts_film_festival_logo_640x640I’m not writing ‘trumps’, the word has lost all comic value.

The Coin continues to prove itself a long-term short.  It’s still pulling in further garlands after four years on the festival circuit.

At the Hang Onto Your Shorts Film Festival on Sunday (24th April 2016) Fabien Martorell won ‘Best Director Medium’ (presumably that means The Coin is classed as a not-so-short) for his work.

Congratulations to Fabien and the team for taking another award.

Christopher Lloyd (Back To The Future) was nominated in the ‘Best Actor Medium’ (again a reference to the film length and not the TV show or the actor’s height) category.  Kathryn was cruelly overlooked in the similar section for Actresses.  She did some top quality shouting.

The film was also up for the contradictorily named ‘Best Short Medium’ and ‘Best Concept’.  I guess it came up… short in those  😉

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