
October 2024
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Rolling Stone Gathers No Dross


I get the feeling that subject line has had a few airings over the years :-)

Rolling Stone magazine, which has been around for over 50 years now, has an posted an article highlighting 10 TV shows to watch in May on American screens.  Which is appropriate as we’ve just started the month.

Writer Charles Bramesco has certainly picked a varied collection.  We’ve got documentaries, TV movies, period dramas, and Scandi-thrillers, amongst others.

Reverie is, of course, one of those chosen and the only from one of the major, mainstream networks.  You’ve got to wait for a while though because, as we know, Reverie doesn’t start until the 30th of May.

Here is  Charles’ take on the show:

Network programming is about to get weird. In this high-concept sci-fi project, procedural vet Sarah Shahi is Mara Kint, an elite hostage negotiator specializing in psychological analysis of deviant behavior. Her specific set of skills make her the ideal operative for an unusual mission: a new virtual-reality dimension known as Reverie allows users to live out their wildest fantasies. Some have decided that they prefer their digital lives, of course, unaware that their comatose bodies are deteriorating as they game on. It’s on Kint to talk them back to real life, and who knows, maybe she’ll even sort out her own personal traumas along the way. Blindspot fandom, your time is now.

Read the full article on the Rolling Stone website HERE.

Ciné Tele Revue – April 2010

cine_tele_revue_001_coverDifficult to argue with a cover line like that :-)

And thank you Kathryn, we are delighted to be invited into your home.

My translations skills aren’t good but I think that covers the… cover.

Today we’re taking another seasonal look back, this time to the French-language Belgian magazine Ciné Tele Revue from April of 2010.

I have 3 images of the piece (now in the Gallery).  Unfortunately they are little too small to comfortably read the bulk of the text.  The headlines and quotes are easy enough though.  Please forgive any errors, and feel free to correct me in comments below.

I learned to let go,” (J’ai apprise à me lâcher) says the article title.  Not sure what that refers to specifically.  Cold Case?  Inhibitions?  David Barrett (in one of the photos)?

She is the most discreet of Hollywood stars. But at 41, she agreed to play the glamorous hostesses at her home in Los Angeles to talk about her life,” continues the sub-heading.

cine_tele_revue_002Being from April 2010 means the interview would have been conducted towards the end of filming Cold Case.  Published just a few weeks before the series finalé was broadcast in the US, presumably it was conducted in early 2010.  The end would have been very much in sight.  That is maybe what’s given rise to the line picked out in the quote: “Cold Case takes up too much for an infant.

cine_tele_revue_003As we know, three years later time was found, and subsequently very much in short supply, with the birth of Kathryn and Johnny’s twin boys in August 2013.  In fact the two actors will have only just recently met at the time of the article.  If he was any sort of man Johnny was already planning his post-work approach 😉

The photos accompanying the article live up to that sub-title.  A very glamorous looking Kathryn indeed, not that she needs to be all dolled-up to look gorgeous of course.

If you have more details on this article please contact me as I’d love to be able to provide a translation for everyone to read.  And, obviously, better versions of the photos would be very much appreciated by all.

The Coin’s Future Firms Up

LA_Firm_Inc_UK_Issue_29On Thursday Fabien Martorell, the director of the film The Coin, reminded us via Twitter that the short will be featuring in the Underexposed Film Festival in a couple of weeks.  KM UK covered the initial announcement previously.  Exact details of the screening will be posted here nearer the time.

I understand that The Coin will be shown at even more festivals in the coming months, both in the US and abroad.  KM UK will be reporting on those as soon as the news breaks.

In the meantime this is a good opportunity to bring to you a review by Darcell Carraway of LA Firm Inc Magazine of the 8 minute feature starring Kathryn, Christopher Lloyd (Piranha 3DD) and young Jack Ryan Shepherd.

“Kathryn Morris was electrifying…”

Los Angeles Firm Inc Magazine is an online and print publication that “cover[s]… all facets of [the] commercial entertainment industry” including fashion and movies.  Darcell is the CEO of Los Angeles Firm Inc, Editor In Chief of the magazine, and Creative Director of sister company Victoria Marie Fashion.  Darcell has very kindly allowed KM UK to host a high quality copy of the double page spread from the UK version of the magazine (see top right) for you all to see.  You can find it in the Gallery.  The article is primarily a profile of Fabien but ends with this glowing review of The Coin:

Not every critic has the same view and not every person doing films is cut out for it.  When I first sat down to watch The Coin, I was very anxious to see it.  I was very impressed by the quality of the presentation.  However, more importantly the acting was amazing.  I felt center stage at the theatre the whole way through.  Our recommendations are based solely on our appreciation for effortless brilliance and art.  The crazed mother played by Kathryn Morris was electrifying for lack of better words while Christopher Llyod [sic] was stellar in his role as the guardian angel.  We rank this short film with some of the elite blockbusters from the 80’s and 90’s like 48 hrs. or even Misery.  I find a very alluring and passion filled director in Fabien Martorell.  Classic in plain english [sic].

Darcell Carraway

Many thanks to Darcell for his generosity.  You can find out more about LA Firm Inc Magazine via their Facebook page HERE.

Be Aware Of Greeks Following Protocol

on_set_012Not entirely sure what the protocol is here…  :-)

Actress Xen Sia (above right with Kathryn) is the October cover star of the monthly New York-based NEO Magazine, which focuses on American Greeks.  Xen appeared on KM UK’s  radar earlier this year when she starred in, what we believed at the time, was a short film called The Protocol by Johnny Messner’s “Johnny Be Goode” production company.

The exact nature of the film (plot etc.) is not known to us but we are aware that Kathryn had a role, along with Max Ryan (Death Race),  Joel Cavness, Will Crown and, of course, Xen Sia (Casino Jack).  Filming took place over a few days in the middle of July.  Since then we’ve not heard anything on the project.  Until now.

Xen Sia has been interviewed for NEO Magazine and it gives us a very different take on the production, and a nice comment about Kathryn:

Her savvy, go-getter attitude is what landed Sia a starring role as Agent Amanda Chase in “The Protocol”, a cutting edge television series/episodic produced by Brad Feinstein. Also featuring Kathryn Morris (“Cold Case” and “Minority Report”), Max Ryan (“Death Race”) and Johnny Messner (“Tears of the Sun”), the series is currently in the midst of a bidding war between several networks. One highlight from the production experience for Sia, was getting to know and learn from her colleague, Morris.

“She really took me under her wing, and was so nurturing and motherly,” Sia said of the well-respected actress.

So, The Protocol could become much more than we thought.  If it were to become a TV series it does not necessarily mean that Kathryn would be starring in it.

You can read the full article by Eleni Kostopoulos HERE on the NEO Magazine website.

We will update you with further news on The Protocol when we can.  Doing so before then would be difficult :-)

Big Push On Official KM Website

20130408_us_magazine_kathryn_pregnant_004As reported here a couple of months ago, the Official KM Twitter feed had a brief moment of conciousness and posted something.  At the time we noted that the Official Kathryn Morris website had gone into “Under Construction” mode for a while and returned with little content.

20130408_us_magazine_kathryn_pregnant_005Over night the Twitter feed again woke up, posting various links to the Official Facebook page.  Only one worked at the time I checked and it led to a post on the People magazine website about the upcoming birth of Kathryn and Johnny’s twins.

Presumably following on from that friend of this site Kareen_T (thanks again!) spotted that the Official KM website has undergone a further update.  It is clearly far from ready for prime time, with layout issues and glaring errors carried over from its earlier incarnation, but it has gained a lot of new content.  I’ll be posting more about some of that in the next few days.

20130227_sonagram_001The most notable item on the website is the Twins Shower page.  It is a Pinterest style page with various images, including illustrations and photos.  Taken from that set are the images you see around this post, including a sonagram image (right) taken back in February which is presumed to be a genuine shot of the Morris/Messner twins.  The other two images (one of which is huge!) have joined the Us Magazine set, even though they were not used by the publication.  They have all now been added to KM UK Gallery.

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