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Kathryn’s 1987 Yearbook

young_001_windsor_locks_high_school_yearbook_1987Naj over at the Cold Case discussion board Look Again has unearthed a hidden gem from the archives of our little star.

A site dedicated to actual cold cases in Connecticut has a difficult to find page that has some photos of one of its locals that is now very much associated with cold cases.  Kathryn was a graduate of Connecticut’s Windsor Locks High School in 1987.  The site has a scan of the her entry in the school’s yearbook from 1987.

As you can see the image contains several shots of the then 18 year old Kathryn Susan Morris.  Awww.  Kathryn certainly got to achieve some of her ambitions.

You can find the full image in the Gallery.

Big thanks to the CT Cold Case site and the original scan for posting it and to Naj for finding it and letting us know.

young_001_windsor_locks_high_school_yearbook_1987_001 young_001_windsor_locks_high_school_yearbook_1987_001

12 comments to Kathryn’s 1987 Yearbook

  • OH MY GOD AND OH MY GOD. How adorable. 😀 I want to trade faces with this woman.

  • But geeze, she was a cheerleader? I always pictured her as more of a dancer. (:

    • icywinter2

      @Lolly- No, Kathryn has said in high school she was into theater.
      Her yearbook photo was better than mine turned out. Kathryn’s face didn’t really change, she’s got really good genes :)

  • In the activities section, it said she was a cheerleader. :)

    I haven’t seen my yearbook picture yet, but I’m hoping it turned out well. (:

    • icywinter2

      @Lolly- Yearbook photos are never glamarous at all, they always come out strange. Believe me, when I say this.

      • Lolly

        Hopefully mine will look as nice as Kathryn’s. I’m a Senior this year, so we got special packages and stuff and we went to a separate photography studio to get ours done. The pictures from last year looked really nice, so I’m hoping for the best. (:

        • icywinter2

          Considering that it’s was taken in Black and white, it would have been better in color. I’ve seen yearsbook from the 1980’s in color, they came out much better than this..

          Kathryn probably went to a small public high school, the school I went to was huge. They even took a photo of the whole senior class, by aerial…

          I guess the more money a school district has the better the yearbooks turn out, mine was the size of a huge encyclepedia. It weighed a ton.

  • I’m not familiar with yearbooks, we don’t do them in the UK. Well, we didn’t when I was at school many years ago. Books had been invented, before anyone asks :-)

    I presume the numbers next to each activity (e.g. “Jazz Choir 1,2,3,4” and “newspaper 4”) are references to the years at school they were done? So, Kathryn did cheerleading in year 2 and was class secretary in years 3 & 4.

    Is that right?

    • icywinter2

      @Riche- Year two is 10th grade, high school is from 9-12. So Kathryn was in Jazz Choir from 9-12 and in the newspaper club during her senior year ( 12th grade). Class secretary was in 11th and 12th grade, that means she was in Student gov’t. That’s the only way you can become the class secretary but have to be voted on by the whole entire school.

      I barely remember high school myself, it’s been 8 years since I graduated…

  • Nscha

    Verrrrrry cool! Thanks for sharing! Made my day :)

  • amei

    wow, 1987 😛 haha, it was a looong time before I was born 😛 Kathryn was so cute
    and I think she reminds Kristen Stewart a lot in this photo on the right which is described as ‘awww’

    • icywinter2

      @Amei- I don’t think she looked like Kristen stewert at all. I was already two years old in 1987. I barely remember the middle to late 80’s; except that it was the worst decade for hairstyles. Kathryn’s hair looked somewhat normal..

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