Lilly joins forces with FBI Agent Ryan Cavanaugh (Johnny Messner) to solve a murder that happened at Woodstock. Could this be the beginning of a wonderful partnership? 😉
Anyone notice that this barn in Woodstock must have full haircare facilities because in the next shot everyone is dry?
314HD (1080p) exclusive screencaps can be found in the Gallery. Lilly seems happy and a happy Lilly means lots of smiles
Whahahaa! Your captions are hilarious! I always look forward to them!
I know I’m probably one of the few but I really liked Lilly and Ryan together, I thought they had chemistry going on. And that kiss was HOT!
Thanks for the pics, RichE!
@Nscha- You are, I think the majority are L/S
Nothing wrong with shipping either 
I think Ryan liked her more, but when Lilly mentioned about Saccardo to him in the bar, her eyes lit up. She still loves him a lot.
To me the Lilly/Ryan thing didn’t signal anything. Glad she chose not to join the FBI. That would have ruined the whole storyline of this show anyways.
The captions made me laugh, I needed that today
I was for L/Ray and L/Ryan (Great R letter xD) I loved them in the show they were amazing as in the real life…You’re right about their hair, they really dry fast! (I want to have the same ‘option’ during the raining season) ^^
Of course there is another “R” that would go great with “L”… 😉
I never really saw any chemistry between Lilly or Ryan. It was more among the lines of them flirting around than love; to me that is