
June 2024
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Gallery Searching

Want to see Lilly wielding her gun?  Catch a glimpse Kathryn’s tattoo?  Are you looking for a particular photo of Kathryn but are not sure where to find it?  Or do you want an image with particular content for a banner, signature or avatar?  Yes?  Then gallery searching is for you.

The KM UK Gallery […]

Gallery Searching

It is possible to search the KM UK Gallery for images you are looking for using a word or phrase that relates to the content of the image in some way.

In the top corner of the main page of the Gallery there is a text input box (see right).  Enter a word or phrase […]

AI: Artificial Intelligence – Sunday

In case the image above hasn’t done it already…  Gentlemen, start your engines!

Bit of a late catch on this one.

Sunday 5th of July 2009, BBC1, 10.25pm.  Details on the BBC’s website here.

Kathryn in a very brief appearance, totalling less than 20 seconds of screen time in the middle of the film, as […]

Gallery Registration Issues

I’ve noticed that a few people have had problems with the registration process for the Gallery.  I am sorry if you’ve experienced an issue.  I wish the process was a little clearer, but it generally seems to work quite well.  The process should be fully automatic without requiring any intervention from myself.

I have written […]


Frequently Asked Questions

If you have a question that is not answered below please use the Contact form.

Q: The videos in the Gallery are not playing, there is just a black window.  What is wrong?

A: You probably have an old version of Flash installed on your computer.  You need version 9.115 or above […]

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