It’s been a prolonged goodbye, but it hopefully won’t an extended one.
Last month, just after the previous fan art update, site-regular Lolly decided to take a break from KM UK to help her focus on other things, including her studies. We wish her all the best for the future and hope she visits us again when she can.
She did, however, very kindly leave us a parting gift of some banners.
Lolly’s six new Banners are now in the Gallery.
If you have made some Kathryn-related Fan Art and would be willing to let it be shown here on KM UK please contact me. If you are looking for subjects or themes then you might want to consider that in the coming weeks and months there is Xmas & New Year and, of course, Kathryn’s birthday in January.
I miss her so much

Your just now getting around to posting this??? lol She’s been gone awhile now & I remember her saying she send you this b4 she bid us farewell! Hope she’s doing well,never understood the use of the name Lolly.
Finn shut up!! Rich needs to put something under it not made by Lolly if you want to have yours here contact me”
She calls herself Lolly because she likes it. Like your name is Finn.
Hmmm! From Being called Great & Perfect, to Mud on twitter,all in a matter of days!!!!!!! Guess,I better keep my opinions to myself! lol
Finn, I’m not mad at you!!! Don’t think that!!
Yes, I posted this now. All the clues are there as to why.
Not good with clues! LOL