File this one under “movie gossip”: rumoured possible racy scene between our girl and Brad 😮
It’s an item from a recent edition of Star magazine in the USA. I don’t know but I’m guessing Star is a tabloid-style gossip rag, so hardly the most reliable of sources. The “story” was posted as a small insert alongside a larger piece about Brad’s missus, Angelina Jolie, spending time with a mysterious female. It is a lot of unsubtle nudge-nudge wink-wink stuff. I’m not putting a huge amount of faith in the content but you never know. It is what it is. Read the text from the piece is after the jump.
Too Close For Comfort?
Angelina recently shot a racy nude shower scene with Johnny Depp in The Tourist, but now it’s Brad’s turn! The actor, currently filming Moneyball in L.A., has a steamy sex scene with his attractive costar Kathryn Morris, 41. Kathryn’s character Tara, the second wife of Brad’s character, Billy, provocatively poses for him, dishes a source who has read the script. “Brad starts touching her all over her body and tells her, ‘I want to have sex, I want to have sex right now,'” says the source, noting, “It’s really raunchy!” And the chemistry between the two is undeniable. During a test shoot, “Brad was stuttering and blushing when he was around Kathryn,” reveals the source. “He was clearly nervous.” Looks like Angelina’s not the only one with a new crush!
Interesting… 😉
The film’s script has a complex history that makes it difficult to know how true this might be. An early draft apparently included a scene involving Billy and a waitress, but that one was rejected as too far from reality. A later version is said to have been a more documentary-style film. Prior to the filming beginning the original screenwriter returned.
I can see that starring in a Brad Pitt movie, especially as she is playing his character’s wife, is going to put the spotlight on Kathryn in the coming months.
A scan of the Star article, from which the image above was taken, is now in the Gallery.
Big thanks to Sammie for her assistance.
“Brad was stuttering and blushing when he was around Kathryn,” Imagine he is her new Guy–I joke…I think that between them its strong and credible.I’m almost sure that KM will be amazing in it and I Hope she will get more movies after this one!…Okay I can open our new” KM Super star” campagn lol
I really can’t believe anything that comes from a tabloid magazine such as Star. They tend to make up stuff which gets that always sued by Celebrities.
If this was a more realiable trusting source, I’d believe it. Coming from a tabloid magazine I don’t.
Second Comment on my first post above, if this is true i’d like to know where these people came up with this story. I’ll check around, things such as this could just be simply made up, like most tabloid magazine tend to do.
Who wouldn’t be stuttering and blushing when he’s around Kathryn 😀
I’m really looking forward to watching this movie.It’s getting more and more interesting
It’s sad that Kathryn has such a small role in this movie. Yet i’m glad to be seeing her in this one, hopefully this article is true because I still don’t believe what this magazine said.
Can someone prove me wrong and find another source that can back this article up with proof. I’m just very skeptical that’s all.
Second that Julie, of course he is smitten with KM!
This is Star magazine though, not very reliable, but still interesting!
Hahahaha I love that he was nervous around her! Crush.
Imagine if he left Angelina for Kathryn… Two words: Media. Circus. 
@Lolly- That would never happen, Brad leaving Angelina for Kathryn. You can be sure it won’t.
Rule of thumb with tabloids, they’ll take anything, and blow it out of proportion. Which means that this so called ‘raunchy scene’ is probably just KM and BP kissing.
Ooh, how kinky, and raunchy.
Welcome to KMUK TRB.
I agree about the tabloids. My take on it would be that there is a scene in the script, probably not particularly racy, and that at a read through it was a bit embarrassing for those involved. You can understand that a load of people sat around a table reading a script out like that is a little different from acting it out properly on set.
Won’t it be fun finding out?
Thank you.
Anyway, the source could be worse. This could be in the National Enquirer, or Weekly World News. (Except then they’d be saying that KM is a vampire, or something whacked out like that.)
Side Note: The “I want to have sex…” line sounds very unnatural. More evidence that this article is a bunch of lies.
Haha, I know it would never happen, but it would be funny, because he left Jen for Angelina after filming a movie with her, so it will be interesting to see if he is a repeat offender. 😉
Oh man, I can imagine the awkwardness at the read-through thingy they do. Classic.
@Lolly- It wouldn’t be funny and Brad wouldn’t leave Angelina and their kids for Kathryn. Besides he’s settle permantly with a family of his own now.
Whatever the real truth to this story is, I have to agree with TRB that this tabloid magazine is just blowing this out of proportion, its probably liked he said is just a kissing scene. With magazines such as this one, they tend to do this just to get people to read.
@IcyWinter2 – You’re such a party pooper. Can you just let people comment without adding your opinion for once? -.-
Of course Kathryn’s got “previous” on this front
She did a racy scene with Ben Affleck for Paycheck and soon afterwards his relationship broke down.
That had nothing do with Ben’s relationship at all, we all know that. Ben shouldn’t have been dating Jennifer Lopez ( That’s another story).
I’m still on the prowl for any Moneyball Movie Still with Kathryn, so far I’m just seeing just Brad Pitt.
Yes I am aware that. I was joking. Kathryn has joked about it in interviews herself.
I think you might be taking this a little too seriously.
I’m not… Just that there are people who automatically believe that this article is true. The movie is slated for an unknown 2011 release, we’ll surely find out before then if it is or not.
Whatever the case maybe, I hope that Kathryn does get a lot of attention :-). She deserves it, being the talented actress she is.
I love the word “raunchy”. LMFAO
But uhm, yeah. Brad should dump Angelina and go with Kathryn
I’m sooo going out to get this magazine !
@Tianna- You do know that this magazine tends blow something out of proportion like TRB said above. It’s probably just a passionate kissing scene as he said, probably like Paycheck. Brad leaving Angelina for Kathryn consider that not ever hapenning.
I believe that Tianna does know that. She is just having a bit of fun with some parts of the story.
@IcyWinter2 – Wow, way to ruin the joke. Obviously it would never happen.. And trust me, I know they blow things out of proportion. That’s kinda the point? Thanks for the unnecessary comment.
@RichE – Apperently I’m very misunderstood. Ahaha! Thanks Rich.
@Tianna- I just misunderstood you that’s all, no need to be rude. Let’s just drop it okay?
@IcyWinter2 – I’d love to, but you’ll bring it up later or when someone else comments.
I love the word “raunchy”, too! It makes me giggle. 😀
Imagine the drop-dead SEXY children that they would have… 😉
I still laugh whenever I think about the read-through for this scene. If I were sitting in it, and Brad Pitt said “I want to have sex. I want to have sex right now.”, I would have burst out laughing… 😀 How sophomoric of me…
Even though I’m technically not a sophomore anymore. :p
@Lolly – I know, right!? I would have laughed, yet.. been soo turned on at the same time? Ahahaha! Their babies would be gorgeous! Speaking of which.. someone needs to get her prego
Just saying 😉 lmfao!
Ahaha, I know, I can only imagine all the thoughts running through all the actresses’ heads…
Brad: I want to have sex. I want to have sex right now.
Ladies: *thinking* I can help you out with that one…
😀 And yes, someone needs to get her pregnant. Perhaps the mystery boyfriend? I vote yes.
@Tianna- Lets not get so worked up over this, I just percive that people were taking this a bit too seriously, that’s all. What I had said wasn’t putting anyone’s one opinions down in anyway. I’m not going to say anything more on this topic, unless we have new information that’s all.
@IcyWinter2 – Hun, do you not understand that YOU’RE the one taking this too seriously? Lolly makes a joke, I make a joke and you start ranting on how Brad would’nt leave Angelina? Who gives a flying ****!? It’s called sarcasm. You take the fun right out of the comment section.
@Tianna- Enough already, your last comment wasn’t called for. Clearly you still going on about this. This wasn’t a big deal, can we please relax? What happened is over, and has been for awhile now.
Can we please move on away from this childish act? Let’s just be happy that Kathryn is in a Movie with Brad Pitt and be done with that’s all. We all have our opinion reguarding this topic, so let’s just move on okay??
We sometimes need of jokes we can’t be serious all the Time( AS KM in many interiews lol)So, Can you stop being “bad” to each other and focus on something else ?
Agreed. Definitely agree.
*Awkwardly sings*
Why can’t we be friends, Why can’t we be friends…
Ladies, ladies.
I think a little restraint is called for on all sides.
I am very happy that people take the time to visit my little site and post comments. I know plenty of fan sites don’t get the level of responses this one does. I’d like to think that reflects well on the comments left and the people that made them.
I want visitors to feel they can openly discuss items and not just post “thanks for the pics/great site/I love Kathryn”-type comments. However, this must be done politely and with respect towards other’s opinions and feelings. New visitors will be put off from posting if they feel their comment won’t be treated that way.
Remember that although this might be an English-based site, and comments should be made in English, we have visitors from all over the world and allowances need to be made for all levels of English ability. You also need to consider what someone is likely to mean as well as what they’ve actually written. A simple typing error can make a huge difference in the meaning. If you make a significant mistake in a comment post again with the correction and I will tidy up later, or contact me to correct it for you. Use smilies
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If you have a problem with a comment the first thing to do is nothing. Don’t respond to it. If you feel the comment warrants action then contact me. If someone leaves a response you consider rude or hostile please do take the time to consider why they might have done that, what was in your post that might have provoked that response? Think carefully before responding. Don’t respond with the same opinion multiple times in a thread.
Normally, once a new commenter’s first post passes moderation they can, filters allowing, post without requiring further moderation. This requires a level of trust from me. I would like things to continue this way. If things change for the worse I can make it so every comment, or just those from an individual, needs to be approved. Please don’t make me do that.
And here endeth the Sunday sermon.
Now, about this idea of getting Kathryn pregnant: I feel that I should have a small part in that. 😉
@Lolly – I love you 😀 Ahaha!
@RichE – “And here endeth the Sunday sermon.” Ahaha!
Thanks for stepping in Rich. It was needed. Is my temper that obvious? 😉
Oh lord.. A small part? I don’t even wanna know. LOL!
Awe, I love you too. 😀 Ahahaha.
I like the word “endeth”, too. It sounds so… official. I hereby endeth this meeting!
Oh, and… What if RichE was the mystery boyfriend? 😉 Hahaha, something I could DEFINITELY picture.
If I am the mystery boyfriend then Kathryn is some kind of incredible Ninja-girlfriend because I’ve not noticed her around. Which would be a great shame ;-(
Sorry everyone :$
Thank you Tianna, it’s appreciated.
I’m worried that Kathryn is headed in the wrong direction in recent films, Assassination of a High School President, Mother’s Like Helpers and Moneyball if the Star article is true.
The roles in these films are inappropriate for talented actress like her.
Ooo, another new person! Welcome nobu.
Filming a show like Cold Case severely limits the time available to make movies. That restricts the choice available. AOAHSP and MLH were both filmed while Kathryn was still filming Cold Case.
My guess is that when Kathryn was negotiating for the role Moneyball she had to keep in mind the chance that she might have to film Cold Case as well. Cold Case would be filming now for season 8 if it had been renewed.
I think we all believe that the Star article is unlikely to be entirely true.
Hopefully now that Kathryn is free from the time constraints of Cold Case she do more substantial movie roles. Moneyball, despite being a small role, is a good start due the attention any Brad Pitt movie will get.
Hello, RichE. I’m a Japanese fan of Kathryn. Here in Japan, Season 6 has just started on premium satellite channel and Season 4 will start in Sept on premium cable channel which I’m watching. Yes, I have still Seasons 4-7 to watch!
I hope the role in Moneyball becomes a really good start for her.
Brad Pitt is excellent and super cool. why i think this is because he donated with New Orleans during Katrina and all the help he did made a wonderful change i really love that about him.
@Keith Purinton- That’s nice to know, but the article was really about Kathryn :-), just to inform you. Not trying to be rude or anything
I’m not entirely convinced it is a genuine message but it wasn’t spam-like enough for me to dismiss it completely. It was a difficult call but I went with allowing it.
I am more than happy to be proven wrong though if you’d like to post again Keith.