Remember the green dress Kathryn wore at the The Buzz Girls Timeless Style Fashion Show event? Of course you do. Well, now you can buy it. We are talking about the actual dress that Kathryn wore on the catwalk, as seen in photos previously posted here in the Gallery
The Trésor de Vintage emerald green, 1950s party dress is up for auction with 50% of the proceeds going to The Joyful Heart Foundation. You can find the sale here on eBay. Place your bids now!
Whilst on this subject I’ve added a set of screencaps and a small “Maximum Morris” video from a TV Guide video of the event to the Gallery. Thanks to mhhope for posting the video.
Update: The original auction closed and it has been re-listed starting at the lower price of $200 (US), here.
Update 2: The second auction closed last week and the dress has been re-listed yet again at the same $200 price. See here.
@Lolly- It’s probably way too expensive, and I won’t be able to fit into the dress, I’m not her size.
I love the dress, but they should have knocked off the lipstick when Kathryn had modeled it. She would have looked better with very little makeup.
Even if this dress could fit me its 300.00$ and more expensive because I don’t live in the USA.*sad*
I want it …
Who else plans on bidding?
I can’t, too expensive for me and i don’t have that kind of money to spend anyhow.
I might bid, I’m not sure…
I would love to see them make the same dress that Kathryn had worn, for less money. Then we’ll all be able to have it
If I had the money believe me I would bid. Right now my budget isn’t allowing me to bid either.
I don’t think I’m gonna bid anymore, the dress is like 3 sizes too big, ahahaha :p
Either that, or I’ll gain 20 pounds in 4 days. :p And believe me, I’ll try. Ahahahaha
Holy crap! What are you, a 00?
Lucky bum! :O
Haha, that would be correct. Us dancers are skinny little things, haha.
So now I’m eating a bunch of chips and cake and just food in general to fit in this dress. Hahaha 😀
NOOO! Don’t bid! I wanna bid! I’m like, selling my soul trying to get this money! LOL! Plus, you can’t ruin your dancing career over a dress! :O
Ahaha! 😉
Ahaha, it’s cool, I’m not gonna bid, because my luck, the dress wouldn’t look good on me even if I could fit into it. :p
Good luck with the bidding!!! I’ll cheer for you haha.
EEKKK! YAY! I love you! :D<3
It sooo won't fit me, but I'll try to starve myself, or just keep it forever :$
@Lolly and Tianna- All this over a dress? I don’t think either of us can realistically afford it. It’s nice to want it, but perhaps there will be a dress like this in the near future that will be affordable and in our sizes. That’s my opinion, not that I’m putting any of your own opinions down 😉
@Lolly and tianna- Don’t starve yourselves either,it’s a beautiful dress but even I wouldn’t go through all that trouble to do fit into a dress that small.
I much rather meet KM in person and get her autograph than bid on an expensive dress that she wore, in my personal opinion.
Good luck on the lucky winner, who recieves it. I hope that person is a true KM fan 😉
Tianna, don’t starve yourself. Or make yourself throw up. Neither are fun roads to go through. Trust me on this one.
It would be really amazing if they put more Kathryn stuff on EBay. 😀
I was talking to the designer and I asked if I could get KM’s autograph with it. She replied saying she sent Kathryn (or “her people?” I dunno) an email, requesting such.
I was just kidding about the starvation guys, but thanks for the kind words 😛 LOL
I’m trying to sell a few things to get money for the dress, but nothing is certain yet. My mom said I’m “not getting it” and that “it’s stupid”. So I told her she was stupid and that I would do what I want
I really like the fact that half the money goes to Joyful Heart. The cause relates to me on a personal level, so that’s also why I want go through with it
Hahaha good.
I went through a bad stage last year with Anorexia/Bulimia because of a combination of dance recital/competition stress, slight weight gain, and an ex boyfriend. :p And I’m lucky I had good people such as Miss IcyWinter up there to help me through it. 
@Lolly- Glad I was able to help you;-)
Now, now ladies, let’s not do anything silly. It’s just a dress, albeit a very lucky one 😉
Hehe it’s not silllyyyyy 😉 Dresses, and clothes in general are veeerrryyy important to us, let alone a dress our favorite actress wore 😉
Dresses aren’t that important to me, I rarely wear dresses, that’s just me anyways.
I’m glad that 50% of the proceeds are going into the foundation. To me it’s tells me not only does the lucky winner get the dress but the money is going to a good cause.
Anyhow I think that if there was less lipstick on her lips, Kathryn wouldn’t have looked so bad. The makeup artist, should used minimal makeup. Nothing against Kathryn of course
So am I! Ahaha
Yeah, the lipstick was definitely a little much. Not the right color for her complexion/hair color. Now if she was brunette, it would probably look better, because more colors look good with brunette. And I think if she was a brunette, that lipstick would look unbelievably sexy.
Not that she doesn’t look unbelievably sexy already.
I’ve updated the post with a link to a new auction listing for the dress after the first one finished without a buyer.
I’ve updated the post again with a link to another auction of the dress, the previous two having ended without any bids.
It’s a nice dress, my guess is people aren’t into buying anything expensive these days; instead saving every penny.
too bad though
I’m the last person to claim any knowledge on fashion but $200 for a dress doesn’t seem that much, certainly compared to some of the prices I’ve seen.
I am surprised that none of the dresses on offer have had any bids at all.
To many it’s a lot, but I am surprised as well that there hasn’t been any bids on any of the dresses either.
It’s probably ’cause people always bid in the last couple hours and minuts….seconds
3, 2, 1… mine
But true… it’s weired that the two other auctions were finished without any bids. Even if people don’t wanna spend much money…but some people gotta have money and ….arrrrg it’s our lovely Kathryn 😉
It’s not like they don’t want to, it’s more among the lines that money is tight and they can’t afford to spend.
Perhaps the dress can be donated for like people who can’t afford a dress for the prom or something like that.
@IcyWinter. You really can’t, and shouldn’t, generalise other peoples reasons like that.
@RichE- I was just alluding to the economy and stuff. I’m sorry if I went against the rules here.
No rules broken. I’m just saying that “it’s not like they don’t want to” is a very wide ranging statement, that you can’t back up. I’m sure we are all aware of people that can easily spend $200 on a dress. I’m sure there are some that would consider $200 to be too little even.
I wonder if that person who gets that dress will even wear it. Like i wouldn’t wanna get it ripped
or smth like that…and the size.