
November 2013
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Le Coin Un, Deux, Trois

poster_001The praise for the short film The Coin continues to roll in from all corners of the world.

This time it is from director Fabien Martorell’s home country of France.  “Journaliste cinéma” Catherine Habib posted a note on her Facebook page on Friday (22nd Nov) with some brief thoughts on the short film starring Christopher Lloyd (Stacked), Kathryn and Jack Ryan Shepherd.

In the film Kathryn is the stressed and angry mother of a young boy.  Lloyd plays a vagrant sitting on the pavement (sidewalk to our American cousins) outside a shop the mother drags her son into.

Titled “3 good reasons to see THE COIN by Fabien MARTORELL” it is… well, you get the gist.  Short and sweet.  Kathryn is not named but she is almost certainly included in the reference to “two legends of Hollywood”.

You can read the item in it’s original form on Facebook HERE.  Below is a copy alongside an basic English translation done using Google Translate.  Any corrections by Français speakers are welcome.

Thank you to Fabien for bringing another item to our attention.

Catherine Habib

3 bonnes raisons de voir THE COIN de Fabien MARTORELL

1) Pour son casting hors du commun, on a pas tous les jours l’occasion de voir réunis dans un seul court métrage 2 légendes du monde hollywoodien!

2) Pour l’humanité du personnage interprété par Christopher Lloyd, on en redemande!

3) Parce qu’en seulement quelques plans et mouvements de caméra – soit à peine 8 minutes 13-,  le réalisateur plonge le spectateur dans un univers dramatique qui n’appartient qu’à lui! bravo!

Catherine Habib

3 good reasons to see THE COIN by Fabien MARTORELL

1) For his unusual casting, it is not every day you get the opportunity to see two legends of Hollywood in one short!

2) For the humanity of the character played by Christopher Lloyd, we want more!

3) Because in just a few shots and camera movements – a mere 8 minutes 13 – the director plunges the viewer into a dramatic world that belongs to him!  Bravo!

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