For those on the East coast and Central regions The Sweeter Side Of Life will have just about finished. The West coasters will have to wait just a little longer. Once you’ve seen it please let us know what you thought with a comment below.
Below is a poll for you to give us a quick reaction to the movie. Was the movie the sweetest thing you ever did see, or had it gone stale before its time?
If you come over all creative and wish to write a more comprehensive critique of the film then please contact us and we’ll put together a special review page for any submissions.
There will be a full KM UK review in a few days.
Also, since the last post we’ve added a few more on set photos to the Gallery, courtesy of Michael Damian and his Twitter feed. Thanks to him for them.
Update (3 February 2013): After two weeks we’ve closed the poll. It was the biggest poll we’ve done with more voters than ever before. As you can see below it was a landslide for the likes with only a few remaining to be convinced. No one went for the hate it option. Thank you to everyone that took part.
What did you think of The Sweeter Side Of Life?
Total Voters: 31 |

I just finished watching the film!! I thought it was cute story,not as predictable,as some early posts thought it would be!! I didn’t feel,as though,it wasn’t “The Sweetest Thing” or necessarily “A mere trife” either,more like somewhere in between!
I will say that it bore a slight resemblance to a film,called “Baby Boomers”,that starred,Diane Keaton & Sam Shepard,where as both women,due to circumstances,beyond there control,are faced with having to re-invent themselves and have to overcome those challenges,in order to success,at life and love.
Overall,I thought,it is worth a look,even if,the storyline as been told before,I enjoyed seeing Kathryn take on a different type of role,a light comedy,with some laughable scene’s,at the right time through out the film!
Its definitively worth the time a look! I may have more to say,at a later time,after I sit down & watch the film over without all the distraction I had while watching it the first time through!
Where is ‘I’m depressed because I couldn’t see it because they had to cancel #%’-:’/&/ Hallmark Channel here a year ago’ ??
Overall very good. The only real problem is that subplots get introduced and then nothing more is said (like with Calvin). It was great to see her be funny.
I like to see Kathryn Morris in dramatic roles than comedic roles. Kathryn was far better in “Cold Case” I think Kathryn might stick to dramas. The movie “Other Side of the Sweeter Side” was ok.
I just finished watching TSSOL and I’ve mixed feelings. I didn’t like the ending of the movie!!! If I were Desiree, I would have done anything to go back to the old life!!