Last night (26 October 2010) Kathryn attended the première of the AMC TV series The Walking Dead.
The Walking Dead is a drama set in world overrun by zombies with a Police office leading a group of survivors. Created by the acclaimed writer Frank Darabont the show stars the likes of Andrew Lincoln, Laurie Holden (pictured above with Kathryn) and Sarah Wayne Callies.
Just the 1 HQ image in the Gallery so far.
Update: Added 3 small images. They’ll be upgraded to an HQ versions when possible. They do raises a few questions…
Update 2: Just thought that some of you ladies might be interested to hear that the clutch bag Kathryn has in these photos is a Nooni Fury Clutch and the earrings and ring were by Vahan Jewelry.
Update 3: Another little bit of info for you ladies. Kathryn’s dress, belt and jacket were by Elaine Kim.
Update 4: That is Johnny Messner in the photos with Kathryn. He played Agent Ryan Cavanaugh of the FBI in 3 episodes of Cold Case towards the end of season 7.
She looks great as always, glad to be seeing newer KM pictures; that’s always a good thing
WOW. I loved it:)
I love Sarah Wayne (Good times for Prison Break)
– The “zombies” were on the loose yesterday (26/10) in São Paulo… My friends saw them on the streets. –
Kathryn looks great, as always.
Love the pictures
Is that Johnny Messner with Kath ?????
Yes it is! Is he her new guy?!!
I don’t know..But they look like !
I thought they had great chemistry on screen, who knows 😛
He has the most amazing voice, it mesmerized me those three episodes…
I agree his voice is just so ‘Whoah’ *.*
Are you talking about Cold Case or something else?? I didn’t see him and her having any chemistry on CC, he was only in one episode.
3 episodes.
I don’t think he’s her new man, they probably just went together. Celebs do that all the time. It doesn’t appear from the photos that they are together as a couple. I could be wrong
There some pictures here, in one of them you can see that he took kath’s hand… HERE
@Niiny- That doesn’t mean anything lots of people can hold hands, lots of friends to do that. It doesn’t mean that they are automatically together as a couple.
Nothings been said if they were actually together as a couple. I’d personally would wait for something offically to be said. I don’t see anything that would mean that they are together.
Then again people see things differently. Nor kathryn or anyone else has said that they are togther.
I hope that this isn’t going to be an issue that agitates you too much until you see press releases from the various party’s representatives
How often do we see something “officially” said?
If it was just one photo (or several from a brief moment in time posing for the photographers) that would not suggest much. As we see in the image at the top of this article they do it all the time. However, here we see two distinct times when the same pose is made. The first when they are just arriving, the second on the red carpet. Both times Johnny is holding Kathryn quite tightly around the waist. And then we throw in the hand-holding… Yes, friends have been known to hold hands but I doubt they would in that sort of environment. A arm across the back possibly, but not holding hands. It is quite an intimate gesture.
The consensus seems to be that they appear to be a couple, you may disagree or prefer to wait for more proof.
I forgot, where is her beautiful tan ??
@Niiny- It faded, tans do fan. Or it could be concealed. I think she looks better being pale
I do love her outfit.
When I first saw the photos of ‘mystery man’ I did think of Johnny Messner but after checking some photos online I wasn’t so sure. This guy’s face seems rounder and rather too tanned. But the tattoo on the arm and various sources do seem to say it is Johnny. I guess we know where Kathryn’s tan went 😉
Also, after the Wendy Williams interview Johnny was actually at the top of my list of candidates. He fitted the basic description and they had been working together a couple of months previously. I felt that having seen images of them together on Cold Case would have coloured my view a little so I didn’t air the opinion and knew it would be shot down.
On the Wendy Williams Show Kathryn said she’d “just started dating somebody”, that was late April. Johnny filming Cold Case would have been February so they could have got together after that all finished, much like Brad and Angelina
If I may I’d like to address Mr Messner directly: Johnny, remember that Kathryn is a very special lady who means a great deal to many people. Please look after her.
@ RichE: To be honest after the Wendy Williams Show I too thought of the possibility of Johnny Messner being her new guy, but considered it wishfull thinking because I loved them onscreen 😀
@RichE- I’m not going to go on with this like the other topic, to me celebs are hard to figure out. Especially when it comes to love, pictures and suggust one thing, but it might always be what we think. That is to me, but if Kathryn is with him, I do wish her all the happiness.
She deserves to be happy with someone
Anyways any new pictures of Kathryn is great, she is the best celeb in hollywood 
I’m no body language expert, but I’d have to go out on a limb, and say that it does look like Kathryn, and Johnny are together. The way he has his arm around her waist, and the way they’re angled toward each other…yeah, co-workers don’t do that, and friends don’t tend to do that either.
Plus, and this might just be me, but I did think there was a lot of chemistry between the two on Cold Case; or a certain type of chemistry I didn’t see with the others.
But, eh, I could be wrong.
Well… I must confess… I’m still a bit like “Really?”
Ok… I did not like the Ryan of Cold Case… (For me, he need not have appeared… God, I believed that Lilly and Scotty could be together)
I found a little “strange” to see these photos… I do not really know why… But, c’mon… Seeing these pictures, you could say that the two are together… (I think)
Kathryn was smiling, looking beautiful as always… Sign that things are fine, that’s enough for me.
I’ve added a couple of extra little updates regarding Kathryn’s outfit with info I’ve found online.
Johnny is also very good friends with Sarah Wayne Calis from The Walking Dead.
I find the relationship strange as Kathryn doesn’t seem like his type at all but good luck to them. What worries me is that he has been in a “relationship” with Brandi Glandville (Eddie Cibrians scorned wife) news of that was leaked in January this year and I believe they were still carrying on until around early June. He and Kathryn either haven’t been together long, or there was some overlap :o/
@Maz- If what you are saying is true, then Kathryn was probably reffering to another guy back in May on the wendy Williams show.
That could be possible that she had been dating someone then broke up. You just never know with Celebs that their relationships. Whatever it is, I’m not going to judge on who Kathryn dates. Only that I hope she is happy.