There it is (edited slightly for the sake of saving space). Buried on page 1078 of a 1658 page long PDF document. Boy that was a dull 1077 pages! What? ‘Search’ you say? Curious…
That is the entry for Revival House, Kathryn’s new production company, as it appears in the USPTO Official Gazette, the fortnightly publication detailing new trademarks up for opposition.
Now there is a 30 day wait (from the 14th of Feb 2012 date of the document’s release) for people to register their opposition.
If my understanding is correct (and I’ve proven before it could easily not be) a further 8 weeks beyond that date a registration certificate will be issued. Then the mark has to be used within 6 months and a statement to that effect filed with the USPTO.
To liven up this not-so-exciting process here is a countdown timer to the end of that 30 day period. I’ve chosen 9am LA time (PST) on the day in question (15th March 2012) as the zero hour.
days 0 -471 -5 hours -1 -2 minutes -4 -6 seconds -3 -1 |
Now I know how to do a countdown timer expect it to appear again in future
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