
September 2024
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Paycheck – Friday, BBC1

Paycheck_1080p_010I haven’t done one of my Media Alert posts in a while.  The Media Alert category is reserved to alert UK television viewers of upcoming showings of Kathryn’s work.  This week sees one of Kathryn’s movie guest starring roles hit the small screen again.

Paycheck, starring Ben Affleck, gets its biennial outing on BBC1 this Friday (5th August 2011).  It starts late (11:45pm) but the only bits worth seeing 😉 are all in the first 10 minutes so you can be done with it by midnight.  It is also being shown in high definition on BBC1 HD for those that have access to it.  The BBC’s website has more details HERE.

There are already, of course, Full HD screencaps from the film in the Gallery.  See a previous post HERE for more details on Kathryn’s unforgettable, by everyone except Mr Affleck’s character that is, role :-)

Annual HD Update – 2003

013As an additional part of KM UK’s Summer Of HD posts I’ll be upgrading some of the past Public Appearance photos to full size, having had to previously shrink some for technical reasons. I’ll most likely post these in batches based on the year, possibly splitting the busier years up.

Let’s start with 2003 and the première of the movie Paycheck. 8 of the images have now been upgraded. The image descriptions will show which have been changed.  Kathryn looks great in her red dress and ever present smile.

Don’t forget to check out the incredible, and full of surprises, full HD (1080p) screencaps of Kathryn as Rita.

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Paycheck Premiere – Gallery Update

December 2003.  Was it really as long a go as that?

Yep.  The premiere of the movie Paycheck was on 18 December 2003.  There have been images from the event in the Gallery since the start, but 6 newly found HQ images have just been added.  Kathryn looks amazing and very happy in her dark red dress.  Find the new photos here.

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Don’t forget to check out the incredible full HD (1080p) screencaps of Kathryn as Rita Dunne as well.

Paycheck – Full HD Screencaps

Paycheck_1080p_15610 minutes in and we’re Dunne.  Rita Dunne that is.  That’s all we get of Kathryn, starring as Rita, in the sci-fi movie Paycheck, which stars Ben Affleck, as Jennings, and Uma Thurman.

Paycheck poster

Well, when I say “that’s all we get”… we actually get quite a lot more than we might have bargained for in that brief time.  The rest of movie is very mediocre but that first 10 minutes is well worth watching.  Kathryn completely steals the show.

Rita initially appears to just be a corporate lawyer tasked with supplying Jennings with the facilities he requires to do the job he’s been contracted to do to earn his paycheck (see what they’ve done there?).  The task is to reverse engineering (and it’s a very backward view on such work) a rival’s product so this company can make their own, better version.  Once completed Jennings will have his memory of this time wiped to protect him and the company.  Rita, however, has a plan of her own to leave an indelible mark on him.

She fails, but in spectacular fashion, leaving us, the movie viewing public, with some unforgettable scenes.  Rita Dunne gives us a whole new perspective on Kathryn, and what a delightful view it is  😉

New Full HD (1080p) screencaps and a video clip have been added to the Gallery.

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Gallery Opening

What could be better than looking at photos of the beautiful Kathryn Morris?  The answer is “almost nothing” of course, which is why I’ve put together a Gallery of Kathryn-related pictures I have collected over the years.  Screencaps, event photos, promo shots and photoshoots.  You can find a permanent link to it in the right-hand sidebar.  The collection is far from complete and I hope to add new material as I find it.

A big thanks to everyone that has provided images, all credit goes to them.

You will need to register to access the gallery.  Apologies that the process isn’t quite as user friendly as it could be. I’m still learning about all this.

To register follow the link to the Gallery, click the Register link, fill in your details and click submit. An email will be sent to the address you gave (so make sure it is valid!) containing a web link. Clicking the link in the email will bring you back to the Gallery page. This will validate your login (without any visual confirmation, unfortunately). You can then proceed to login in with the details you submitted.

Here a few thumbnail examples:

arrivals_05 Cold_Case_S05E17_lilly_096 Resurrecting_The_Champ_2007_Sundance_Portrait_Session_004

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