Recently it became clear that the film we’d got used to calling Confections Of A Discarded Woman had been renamed to The Sweeter Side Of Life.
Kathryn stars in the Hallmark Channel movie, due to be released next year, as a newly divorced trophy wife who finds herself working in the family home-town bakery to make ends meet.
Alongside reporting the news of the name change we ran a poll to canvas the opinion of you, our readers. Two weeks later and poll has now closed and the results are in.
Over 70% of those that took part agree with the new choice of name, preferring it over the original working title. Those that want to stick with Confections came to 21%. A pretty major landslide for the change then.
Thank you to all that took part.
Update: After posting this article I sent a Tweet to the film’s co-writer/directer Michael Damian to let him know that KM UK’s readership approve of the name change. His, possibly slightly tongue-in-cheek, response was:
That is great news! So happy to hear that
So “The Sweeter Side of Life” it is) – Link
Thanks to Michael for taking the time to reply.
Which title do you prefer?
Total Voters: 14 |

I can’t wrap myself around either title & therefore,I am in the 8%,at Discarded implied it was about a women scorned,by her husband for a younger women! Sweeter seems to me to be that part of your life that you reflect on your past and focus on the good times,choosing not remember the bad.
Personally I prefer Confections, it has a bit more edge to it. There’s the play of confections against confessions and the idea of the woman being discarded.
The Sweeter Side Of Life is a far more generic title. and a far more positive slant on the story. It’s a Hallmark take on it. The title could be applied to almost any of their films. I’d guess that the network requested the change.
That doesn’t surprise me in the least that Hallmark would request,a title change,to keep in line with what Hallmark would want to convey to the viewing audience,that they are focused on family & wholesome programming.