The image above has to be my favourite image of Kathryn of all time.
There’s just something about it. Kathryn looks so small against such an expanse of wall. Her pale skin and golden hair almost match the backdrop, heightening the effect. Is she thinking deeply about something? I don’t want to disturb her because she looks so peaceful. Yet, I also want go in there hug her as she looks so delicate. OK, the hug thing is not limited to this photo 😉
Mark Mainz is responsible for this great photoshoot, done as part of a promotion for the film Resurrecting The Champ at the Sundance Film Festival in 2007. The 15 images have been in the Gallery since the beginning but they have now been upgraded to full-size. It’s not a big change but every extra pixel counts 😉
I love these photos, and the movie as well
I think this photoshoot was Kathryn’s best one, the photographer really captured Kathryn well
This is one of my favorites. 😀
I also enjoy Teri Hatcher in some of the pictures. 😀
I still have my ticket stub from when I saw this movie in theaters
I don’t know what movie this is.
This is awkward. Hahaha.
Oops. I should have made it clearer in the post. The film was Resurrecting The Champ.
I added more detail to the post.
I’ve never seen the movie, so now I feel like even more of an idiot. I’ll just sit in my corner. Forever alone. Bahaha :p
You can rent it on netflix or redbox. It’s a good movie to watch
I’ve heard AMAZING things about it, so I should really check it out.
I love Kathryn’s two piece dress, It’s really beautiful. Mark Mainz really did a great job, out of all the photoshoots that I’ve seen of Kathryn this outdid them all.
I love this photoshoot, too. My personal favorite is the outdoor photoshoot with John Russo. She looks like a princess. 😀