We are yet again indebted to zoé for her efforts on our behalf. This time she has taken pity on us, the great uneducated masses, and translated Kathryn’s recent FHM interview into English.
Madame Cold
At 40, the heroine of Cold Case has decided to re-open the case “sexy blonde”…
Blonde, cold and sad… in Cold Case, detective Lilly Rush re-opens files of unsolved murders which often contain a fair amount of melancholy. Blonde, fresh and sparkling… in real life Kathryn Morris is much less icy than the atmosphere in the archives of the Philadelphia Police Department. And she proves it by accepting, at just 40, to pose undressed for FHM. Pictures that will quickly join our office files of “hot cases”.
So how was the photoshoot for FHM?
It was really fun! I felt sufficiently confident to play the seduction card, in a way I think sexy!
And when do you feel really sexy?
Since I have confidence in myself and I don’t try anymore to prove anything. I am as I am. It’s the fact of feeling good about oneself and well adjusted which makes one feel sexy. Since I turned 40, I have felt better, stronger. With the experience, but also success, I learned to let loose and not to worry about small things. But it took time. Younger, I was not very feminine. I was shy and a little clumsy!
How did you land the role of Lilly Rush?
At first, I came to Hollywood to make movies (she played the ex-wife of Tom Cruise in Minority Report and we saw her in AI, 2 movies by Spielberg) and I wasn’t thinking of TV. But the producers were sure that I was the ideal actress to portray Lilly Rush and they insisted. I finally agreed to meet Jerry Bruckheimer, the producer of the show. A few days later, I was on the set.
It has been going for seven years now?
Yes. And after all these years in the skin of Lilly, I learned to love her. I even started to see her as a human being whose evolution I follow as a privileged witness. A TV show, it’s an incredible experiment. It’s difficult, but it’s worth it.
What does it feel to be now classified as a “Hollywood Blonde”?
It is an old stereotype, but I can live with it. And the bleached blonde is so beautiful in black and white movies. But I’m fine with being “classified” like you said next to Marylin Monroe, Farah Fawcett or even Barbie!
You are, however, not really a Barbie?
It’s true that because of Barbie’s measurements, it is said that all the little girls want to have a thin body! America is obsessed by weight. In Europe, you prefer women who have curves.
Speaking of Europe, what do you think of the French?
What matters for a man in the US are work and money. I visited Paris several times and I am under the impression that the French appreciate more beauty, poetry and the good things in life. Especially, they pay more attention to women and are able to understand them, deep down.
We believe that you are currently single?
I had been with somebody for 9 years, which is kind of a record in Hollywood. But our paths took too different directions. We left each other on the air of “I love you enough to let you go.” I always wanted to be an actress. It was, and remains, my priority before romance or marriage. Besides, I don’t feel the need to submit paperwork in a town hall to prove my love or my attachment to someone.
So, what does it take to seduce you?
The way to my heart first of all is by kindness. Be nice. One needs also passion. Finally chemistry is important! But that, we know it from the first kiss! When I fall in love, it is often by noticing little defects of a man, his imperfections, like a scar or a crooked tooth! Ah, lastly, you should also ask yourself whether you have enough self confidence to be with somebody who has success and can earn more money than you. I know it sounds trivial, but if we don’t raise these issues, it cannot work.
Have you ever Googled your name?
Frankly, typing “Kathryn Morris” and searching for information on me would be the best way to become nuts! I am not really a fan of Internet. For example, I don’t like to buy things online, I prefer to go to the store. I own a blackberry and an iPhone, I used them to check my emails, and that’s it. I’m not really an expert in technology.
What are you currently listening to in your iPod?
I adore U2, it’s really the group of my generation. I also like Coldplay. In fact, I especially listen to rock, like Led Zeppelin, AC/DC or Blondie.
I don’t know about that line about ” Having enough confidence to be with someone who has more success than money than you,” so what exactly is Kathryn even after love or money???
I am surprised that KM isn’t a fan of the internet, but why would she need both a blackberry and an I-phone?
I think Kathryn is referring to a not uncommon situation where one partner earns more money/is more successful than the other. It can cause resentment over time. She’s saying that such issues should be discussed and not allowed to fester, slowly destroying the relationship.
The BB is probably a business thing and the iPhone a personal thing.
So is she still with David or not?? Kathryn seems really to be a down to earth person..
Actually zoé pointed out the odd wording regarding KM’s relationship status when she sent it to me. The question is posed as “you’re single?” To which the answer is, I believe, “no”. However, the printed answer seems to be to a separate question regarding a previous relatonship. Kathryn has not been with David for nine years.
zoé wondered, and there maybe some truth to it, whether it was presented that way to suggest that Kathryn is single. Possibly for the sake of the male readership (well, I say read…). We need a little hope occasionally
I like how KM had said that she liked playing the seduction card for the photoshoot and how she feels sexier now at the age of 40; than when she was younger.
However Kathryn doesn’t even look almost 41ish to me, it’s nice that she doesn’t have to have surgery to be beautiful; she’s naturally beautiful
Wow, what a interview! I am definitely wondering about David, seems kinda weird.
Maybe she wasn’t asked about him or KM just didn’t feel like mentioning him..
Maybe, I just hope she is happy. “Sexy Blonde” haha, I totally agree. I’d like to see her in a really really girly role, it would be very interesting!
I think she is, but with celebs you never really know if they are happy or not.
It would be easy for her to put on a show seeing she’s such a great actress. Just really curious about her and David at the moment. I want her to have a baby and get married, and it doesn’t sound like it’s going that way with David. But I don’t think she wants kids, maybe just marriage.
She did say that she didn’t need to file papers at the town hall in order to show her love to someone; that tells me that KM doesn’t want to get married.
About the money thing, I think KM was referring to David there. Since he’s an emmy winning director
I doesn’t seem that Kathryn puts much significance on the actual act of getting married. Which is fair enough. She knows what’s important.
David maybe an Emmy winner but I’ll bet that Kathryn earns more than him, and because she is better known will be seen as more successful. Some men might find that difficult, hence Kathryn’s comment about discussion being important.
omg! i love her to pieces! shes smart and sexy, but sooo down to earth
it kinda seems that shes a teenager at heart 😛
she should be googling herself! then she’d find this website! 😛
Welcome Kathryn.
I should at this time point out the small print, the very very small print, on the T&Cs for this site. By visiting this site you (and this only applies to Kathryn) are legally bound to… well, let’s just say you are now MINE! mwhaaaaaaaa haaaaa haaaaaa 😉
who else wishes she had twitter!?
like seriously.
I don’t have Twitter but I do wish she had Facebook. It would be great to connect with her!
OMG. I think she looks so pretty. Those pics are gorgeous.
Keep up the good work. Just loving your site 😉
We like Carrie. She can stay
I don’t expect a response when one considers its been quite some time since anyone has posted on this topic! But,I will anyway,it does concern me when anyone puts there career ahead of romance or friendships! Its somewhat sad to hear that Kathyrn is only focused on one aspect of life when life has so much to offer and we all need balance in life to make sense of why we are hear in the first place!
Hi again Finn.
Thanks for the posts, it is good to see such points raised and I’m happy for it to continue.
The above is a translation from French so some subtly in the wording may have been lost.
Taking the above as it stands Kathryn says “her priority” is being an actress. She’s not excluding relationships but will not let one compromise her work, and neither should she. If a partner is placing demands on her (or any woman) that means giving up her career than he is not the right man. Surely the person you fall for is, at least in part, made up of those wishes and desires. Why would you want to change that? She never mentioned friendships.
And we should take into account that the evidence of the past couple of years suggests that Kathryn is not as focused on acting as she could be.
Thanks for getting back to me, I meant to get back to u sooner in response to the comments u made. I appreciate the fact u pointed out the possible differences between French & English translation, with that said… I meant to say marriage, not friendship!
I find some of her comments to be somewhat old fashion, such as money issues in a relationship, today’s american male isn’t hung up on being the bread winner, as in the past. I have a few close friends that are married happily where their wives work & they stay at home taking care of the kids! That’s not to say it can’t be an issue and I’ll give Kathryn the benefit of the doubt that she’s experienced those issues in previous relationships. I wish Kathryn the best but, we all need health & balance, the ye & the yen, in our relationships! Money isn’t everything, no matter how much u make, it can buy you alot of things but it can’t buy you self-worth or love!
Oh my God, she like the same music as me!!